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National Event Series

National Event Series

The Nationals Championships have come a long way since 2011.

Pre-2011 the Nationals were hosted by States and consisted of approximately 300 participants annually. These events were usually held in smallish indoor halls at local schools etc. Sometimes the Nationals were hosted well, but unfortunately the knowledge surrounding ho

sting was not always shared from year to year or from state to state. As a result, the same hosting type mistakes were repeated time and time again.

Since 2011 the Nationals have been hosted by a consistent national Sports Committee, in larger, much better venues, now with almost 1000 participants annually.

The Nationals are not perfect, but they are much more impressive events than years gone by.

Judo Federation of Australia and our Member States believe it is now time to again “raise the bar” and create discussion and feedback on how we can improve further by hosting a co-ordinated National Event Series.

We are now seeking feedback and comment from the Australian Judo community (including Member States, tournament organisers, athletes and their families, clubs, coaches, referees and other volunteers that contribute to our sport of Judo) on this proposed National Event Series concept via an online survey.

To provide some brief context to best informsurvey completion, it is envisaged that the National Event series would include the following events:

National Championships

Sydney International Open

ACT International Open

QLD International Open

Melbourne International Judo Open

South Australian International Open

WA International Open

Thought should be given as to: How are they best scheduled together across the year? How long should be between each event? Should they be evenly spread out throughout the entire year?

It also should be noted, that even though the above events are our highest “profile” events, they are not just events for our “high performance” athletes. These events are very much “mass participation” fixtures and this needs to be considered when discussing them.

The survey is open now and will close on Thursday the 10th May: National Event Series - Give your view

C/- Combat Sports Office 
                             Australian Institute of Sport, Leverrier Street, Bruce, ACT

CALL                +61 2 6160 0528 

Judo Federation of Australia Ltd
ABN 49 305 099 035    

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