Judo Australia is pleased to announce the establishment of a National Veterans Committee (NVC) to oversee the development and growth of Veterans Judo nationally.
Following an application assessment process, the committee will be composed as follows:
Kevin Murphy (QLD) – Chair
Clive Simmonds (NSW)
Melissa Dennehy (WA)
Doug Noack (VIC)
Andrew Bell (QLD)
The primary duties for the NVC will include:
Lead responsibility for the development and growth of Veterans Judo nationally;
Provide advice and support to the JA Sports Committee regarding management of the annual JA National Veterans Championships;
Provide recommendations of selections for JA Veterans teams to IJF and OJU international competition events;
Work with Member States on Veterans Judo initiatives and liaise with Member State Veterans Committee members;
Liaise with OJU and IJF Veterans Commissions;