Judo Australia (JA) is pleased to announce that the 2019 National Club Seminar (NCS) will be held on the 23-24 November weekend at the Australian Institute of Sport in Canberra.
JA has previously run National Club Seminars in 2015 and 2017 and remains focused on ensuring our clubs continue to develop their capability and increase their capacity to deliver programs and further grow Judo in Australia.
Date: 23 and 24 November 2019
Venue: Australian Institute of Sport, Canberra
Cost: $50
Full Schedule here.
(*Please note schdule is subject to chnage)
To register, please complete the registration form here.
Registrations will close 1st November 2019
Any enquiries regarding the 2019 National Club Seminar should be directed to sarah.quilter@ausjudo.com.au