NOTICE - Notice is hereby given that an Annual General Meeting of the Judo Federation of Australia Limited
(ACN 616 226 398) will be convened as per the details below:
Date of Meeting: | Sunday, 27th October 2024 |
Time of Meeting: | 10am AEST | 7am WST |
Venue: | Online |
Elected Directors
The term of current Elected Directors, Mr Simon Read and Mr Peter Trevaskis, will conclude at the end of the 2024 AGM.
As per the clauses 13.2, 14.3, 14.4 and 14.7 of the Constitution- nominations are now called for up to 2 vacant Elected Director positions (14.1.b). Nominations must be submitted on the attached form and close at 5pm (AEST) Sunday, 29th September 2024.
Life Members
Nominations are also called for Life Members, as per clause 6.3 of the Constitution and clause 9 of the By-Laws. Nominations for Life Membership must be submitted to the Judo Australia CEO, at bhamilton@ausjudo.com.au by 5pm (AEST) Sunday, 29th September 2024.
As per clause 11.3(b) of the Constitution, notice of motions for consideration at the Annual General Meeting, must be submitted by 5pm (AEST) Sunday, 29th September 2024 to the Judo Australia CEO at bhamilton@ausjudo.com.au. Notices of motions received will be circulated by Friday, 4th October 2024.
Rebecca Hamilton
Company Secretary
Judo Australia
The Judo Federation of Australia (JA) is the National Sporting Organisation (NSO) with the purpose of facilitating and promoting Judo in Australia. Our vision is inspired by the Judo moral code to create safe, welcoming and fun experiences.
JA has the following strategic priorities, which are in line with the Australian Sports Commission Play Well Strategy:
1. Empowering People and Organisations
2. Driving Lifelong Involvement
3. Activating Places and Spaces
4. Building Connections
5. Equitable Access
6. Transforming Culture
The Board of Directors
JA is led by a skills-based board of elected and appointed directors. The Board’s role encompasses the governance of the organisation and to provide strategic leadership by way of:
Formulating and implementing strategic direction: The Board set the long-term goals and strategies for JA.
Determining policies: The Board establish policies relevant to the governance and performance of the organisation.
Ensuring compliance: The Board ensure that JA complies with all legal requirements.
Approving and monitoring the budget: The Board oversee the financial health of the organisation.
Appointing and managing the CEO: The Board are responsible for hiring and evaluating the performance of the CEO.
Maintaining stakeholder relationships: The Board manage relationships with key stakeholders, including government bodies and sponsors.
Establishing Board committees: The Board create committees to handle specific functions and delegate tasks as necessary.
JA strives to support and promote excellence in board service through the recruitment of qualified, experienced directors from diverse backgrounds.
We want members of the JA Board to be advocates for Judo across all key strategic imperatives. We want people who can question and challenge constructively, who bring diverse views, who can influence others and find solutions. JA is committed to having a diverse and inclusive culture on our Board, in our organisation and in our sport.
Director positions are voluntary. Board meetings are held on a bi-monthly basis either online or in-person.
The Process
The Board Search Statement is to advise JA members and the broader community of the upcoming Director vacancies elections.
There are 2 positions which will become vacant at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) Sunday, 2th October, 2024 with each position for a term of three (3) years.
The terms of the following Directors expire at the AGM and each is eligible to nominate for re-election to the position of Director:
· Simon Read
· Peter Trevaskis
Of the 2 incumbent Directors eligible to nominate for re-election, only 1 has indicated they will seek re-election.
The Board currently consists of 7 Director - 5 elected Directors, and 2 appointed Directors.
These 2 vacancies will be filled member vote (where the voting members are affiliated State and Territory Organisations).
To be eligible for election a nominee must be;
· Endorsed by a Member Organisation.
· Agree and be bound by the JA Constitution and Policies.
· Not be an employee of JA or affiliated member organisation.
Skill set being sought
The specific Director skill sets sought for the Board will be determined based on JA’s current strategic priorities and the Board Skills Matrix of the continuing Board Directors.
Nominees will be requested to provide information as to how they meet the desired skills and experience (demonstrate suitability) for a position on the Board.
Given the current composition of the JA Board, JA encourages candidates with strength in either:
· Finance
· Human Resources
· Communications and Marketing to nominate.
JA is committed to diversity and creating equal opportunities for women in sports governance. Women are strongly encouraged to nominate at this time.
Call for nominations
JA has called for nominations for 2 vacancies prior to the AGM. This has been communicated by the CEO via a Notice of AGM and Call for Nominations which is advertised on www.ausjudo.com.au, sent to voting members and shared widely across media channels and to Director Registries such as Australian Institute of Company Directors, SportAUS National Sports Directorship registry, Women on Boards, etc.
The term of the Board Director vacancies is 3 years and Directors are eligible for re-election.
If you are interested, please respond through the call for nominations process and complete the required nomination forms and supply any additional information as requested (e.g. cover letter, CV/resume, Consent to Act as a Director form, etc)
Nominations close 29th September, 2024 and must be submitted to Beck Hamilton bhamilton@ausjudo.com.au, and contact number +61 0421 805 745.
Consideration and review of the nomination
The Company’s Nominations Committee (NomCo) is responsible for the assessment of all applications and determination of those persons considered eligible.
The NomCo consists of:
o One (1) Independent Chair
o One (1) JA Board Member; and
o One (1) Member Association Representative
The NomCo may put forward recommendations for the position of Director of the JA Board, or rank and recommend candidates to the voting members. There will be no opportunity for appeal in respect of the assessment undertaken by the NomCo. Applicants will be notified regarding whether their application for nomination has been deemed eligible by no later than Friday, 11th October, 2024.
For all enquiries, please contact bhamilton@ausjudo.com.au or +61 0421 805 745